Priority 2

Strategic Priority 2: Promote Professional Development to ensure Implementation of Curriculum

Staff will engage in targeted professional development designed to foster the use of the new curriculum with fidelity.  As staff becomes comfortable with the curriculum horizontal and vertical alignment will take place
Strategic Priority Two: Promote Professional Development to ensure Implementation of Curriculum
Action steps related to the priorityDuring the beginning of the year teacher work days the TLP committee grouped teachers through having them take part in True Colors.  Each PLC group was created with each color (to the best of their ability) being grouped together.  These groups worked together to observe, reflect, and provide feedback to their peers while looking for targeted instructional strategies such as objectives being posted, frequent checks for understanding, students on task, and teachers adhering to school rules on dress, cellphones, etc….
Staff took part in more than 50 observations during the 2021-2022 school year. 

It was recognized that in order to do observations teachers were being pulled from their classrooms.  In order to keep teachers with their students the TLP committee grouped teachers by plan period for the 2022-2023 school year.  The focus for observation changed to SIOP practices.
Evidence of ImpactMinority Students are improving according to CMAS data having gone from Does not Meet to Meet in student growth in just one year. Minority students also improved in growth going from Does not Meet to Approaching.